Thursday, April 28, 2011

NSF PRISM Fellowship

It's official!  Next year I will be participating in the NSF PRISM (Problems and Research to Integrate Science and Mathematics program) in Atlanta Public Schools through Emory University's Center for Science Education.

As a PRISM fellow, I will work with a local High School Mathematics teacher to bring problem based learning lessons into the classroom curriculum.  I'm excited about this opportunity because rather than teaching Mathematics as a set of facts and formulas, I hope allow students to think critically and creatively while collaborating with their classmates on fun and interesting mathematical problems relevant to the curriculum.  In High School, students are actively considering choices for their future.  Perhaps with our efforts, they will consider studying math or a math-related field!

I have been assigned to work with a teacher at Decatur High School in Accelerated Math 2 for sophomores.  After a 2-week summer institute where we will write our cases together, during the school year we will execute them in the classroom.